Saturday, October 16, 2010

India-Bangladesh International Hospital in Joint venture

The deal is done and the cost is estimated Tk 500 crore for building an international hospital in the port city in joint venture with an Indian company.Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) is going to build the big hospital in the port city in joint-effort with the Indian private-sector organization.

“The hospital would be set up under joint venture by the CPA and Narayana Gurudayalaya Group of India at a cost of Tk 500 crore,” said Shipping Minister Shahjahan Khan.Of the cost, CPA would bear Tk 350 crore and Narayana Gurudayalaya Group Tk 150 crore. It would be a 1000-bed hospital. A memorandum of understanding has already been signed between the two sides, the minister added.

The memorandum of understanding was signed during the visit of a high-level delegation, led by the minister, to India from December 13 to 16 last year. The hospital would be set up on 23 acres of land. But the site is yet to be selected. Earlier, an inter-ministerial meeting was held on June 1, where the high officials of the ministries and bodies concerned, including the National Board of Revenue and finance, health and family welfare and local government ministries, were apprised of the plan on setting up the hospital.The decision of establishing the hospital through a joint-effort of Public-Private Partnership was taken in a cabinet meeting on August 2.

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