Thursday, October 7, 2010

APPLE fined more than $600 million

Apple has asked a court to reconsider an impending decision that could cost it more than $600m (£379m) in damages.
On 1 October, a US jury found in favour of Mirror Worlds in a patent wrangle over technology to display documents on computer screens.
Mirror Worlds alleged that Apple had infringed four of its patents.
After weighing evidence the jury said three had been infringed and awarded the company $208.5m damages for each one.
Apple is asking for a delay to the judge`s final decision saying there were unresolved issues with two of the three remaining patents in the case. If the court agrees damages will be reduced to $208.5m.
However, if the judge decides three patents have been infringed the damages award of $625.2m would be among the largest in US legal history.

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