Sunday, November 14, 2010

Aung San Suu kyi's 15 years in house arrest

Myanmar`s pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, who has spent 15 of the past 21 years locked up, will soon be freed from house arrest, according to officials in the military-ruled nation.

Following is a summary of her time in detention:
- 1989-1995:

The junta places Suu Kyi under house arrest in July 1989, 10 months after she helped form the National League for Democracy (NLD) in the wake of national pro-democracy protests crushed by the military government.Despite her confinement, the NLD scores a landslide victory in 1990 elections, but the junta does not recognise the result.

One year later, she is awarded the Nobel peace prize, accepted by her sons on her behalf. She is released in July 1995, after six years of being confined to her home in Yangon.
- 2000-2002:

Suu Kyi is again placed under house arrest in September 2000, after several face-offs with the regime, including attempts to leave Yangon on party business in defiance of the junta`s orders.Landmark secret talks on "national reconciliation" begin in October 2000, brokered by UN envoy Razali Ismail.

Suu Kyi receives regular visits at home from a junta liaison officer and her NLD deputies, and is freed in May 2002. Thousands of her supporters are allowed to greet her, and foreign press are allowed to cover her release.
- Since May 30, 2003:

Suu Kyi, travelling in a convoy with NLD members in northern Myanmar, is attacked in an ambush apparently organised by a regime frightened by her continued popularity.The junta says four people are killed in the attack but the NLD puts the toll at nearly 100. Suu Kyi is arrested along with many party activists.In September, she is moved back to her Yangon home and placed under house arrest for a third time.

In May 2009, shortly before her expected release, Suu Kyi is put on trial over a bizarre incident in which an American man swims uninvited to her lakeside home. She is sentenced to another 18 months of house arrest.Suu Kyi writes to junta chief Than Shwe offering suggestions on getting sanctions lifted, marking an easing of her stance after years of advocating punitive measures against the ruling generals.Her party boycotts the country`s first poll in 20 years, held on November 7, saying the rules are unfair. The NLD is disbanded by the authorities.Supporters gather in Yangon as officials say her release is imminent.

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