Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Arnold Schwarzenegger will return to acting soon

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor of California, is planning to return to acting.Schwarzenegger, a former Hollywood actor whose tenure as governor will come to an end in January next year, admits that he is weighing up his options.

"It could be that fighting climate change would be the main thing. It could also be that it would be one of five things that I would do. It could be show business. It could be business in general," contactmusic.com quoted him as saying.The "Terminator" actor has had successful careers in movies, politics and bodybuilding and thinks he has thrived in each of these areas because he knows where his strengths lie.

"My whole life I was always very ambitious but I was smart enough to always look, what is my talent, what do I have to offer the world? Then you go with that," he added.Along with considering a return to acting, Arnold is currently launching a global war on climate change and admitted while it is difficult to interest people in environmental issues, he has a plan.

He said, "People get stuck and fall in love with their slogans and with their little agendas. You`ve got to make it hip. You`ve got to make it sexy to be part of this movement."I think that I have the talent of speaking the language in such a way so that the world understands it rather than making it complicated."

Monday, November 22, 2010

Tomato Juice helps to strength the bone

Scientists say two glasses of tomato juice a day strengthens bones and can ward off osteoporosis.The key ingredient is thought to be lycopene, the antioxidant already credited with cutting the risk of prostate cancer in men and protecting against heart disease, reports dailymail.co.uk.

Osteoporosis affects around three million people in Britain and researchers at the University of Toronto in Canada asked 60 post-menopausal women, aged 50 to 60, to cut out all tomato products from their diet for a month.This led to a significant increase in blood levels of N-telopeptide, a chemical released into the bloodstream when bone is being broken down.Then, for four months, the women were given a daily dose of standard tomato juice containing 15 mg of lycopene, an enriched version with 35 mg of lycopene, lycopene capsules or dummy capsules.

This led to a significant drop in levels of N-telopeptide in women drinking either type of juice or taking the capsules. But there was no benefit in women taking the dummy capsules.Standard supermarket juice was just as good as the lycopene-enriched one, said researchers.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Free beer to every adult if Australia win the Ashes trophy

An Australian brewer Tuesday offered a free beer to every adult in the country if Australia beat England in the upcoming Ashes cricket Tests.VB pledged to"shout the nation" if Australia win back the coveted trophy in the five-Test series, starting November 25.
"This summer, when the final wicket falls and the Aussies lift the urn triumphantly, Australia`s best cold beer pledges to `shout the nation`," the company said."That`s one ice-cold VB for every eligible person of drinking age, and one huge celebration of the rightful return of the Ashes."
Anyone over 18 can use a coupon printed in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide local newspapers on December 8 and 9 to claim their free 375 millilitre (13 fluid ounce) can or bottle of beer. Australia have slipped below England in the Test rankings and are battling a raft of injuries and poor form ahead of the series. However, England have not won a series in Australia in 24 years.
The series is known for its light-hearted stunts. Last month, Australia beamed a picture of captain Ricky Ponting and Michael Clarke onto London`s Big Ben with the message, "Don`t forget to pack the urn".

11 years old Russian boy suicided to make his parents quit drinking alcohol

In most cases, children commit suicides because of family problems. An eleven-year-old boy hung himself several days ago in Russia`s Altay region in an attempt to make his parents quit drinking alcohol. His mother found the boy hanging on a rope in a barn.

The boy was living with his mother, a 31-year-old unemployed woman, his step-father and five siblings. His mother and step-father were alcoholics; the child repeatedly asked them to stop drinking threatening to commit suicide otherwise, officials said.On November 11, 2010, the parents went to visit their friend living in a house nearby. The boy begged them to stop drinking and come home, but the parents just told him to go away and hang himself, if he wanted to. The next morning, his mother found the boy in the barn dead.

Prosecutors of the investigation committee of the Altay region instituted criminal proceedings against the boy`s parents on Article 11 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation - "Incitement to Suicide."According to investigators, the boy, the oldest child in the family, killed himself because of the anti-social lifestyle of his parents.

"This is a long-standing problem. The more people drink in the country, the harder it gets to struggle against child and teen suicide. Children are incapable of realizing the line between life and death. The inner world of children is all about kindness. A child always loves his or her mother, and it does not matter whether she drinks or mistreats them. I`ve had many incidents like this one in my practice. In the Arkhangelsk region, for example, a nine-year-old girl drowned herself and left a note in which she asked her father not to drink. A 12-year-old boy was found hanged in the Yaroslavl region. The boy committed suicide because his grandmother, with whom he lived, was an alcohol addict. It is the society, but not the medics or anyone else, that plays the main role in preventing child and teen suicide," psychiatrist Igor Yanushev told Pravda.Ru.

Atif aslam in "Big V" concert

Atif aslam the musical sensational performed "Big V" concert in Mumbai,India.Check out the some live performance of that concert........and get rock again........

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Aung San Suu kyi's 15 years in house arrest

Myanmar`s pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, who has spent 15 of the past 21 years locked up, will soon be freed from house arrest, according to officials in the military-ruled nation.

Following is a summary of her time in detention:
- 1989-1995:

The junta places Suu Kyi under house arrest in July 1989, 10 months after she helped form the National League for Democracy (NLD) in the wake of national pro-democracy protests crushed by the military government.Despite her confinement, the NLD scores a landslide victory in 1990 elections, but the junta does not recognise the result.

One year later, she is awarded the Nobel peace prize, accepted by her sons on her behalf. She is released in July 1995, after six years of being confined to her home in Yangon.
- 2000-2002:

Suu Kyi is again placed under house arrest in September 2000, after several face-offs with the regime, including attempts to leave Yangon on party business in defiance of the junta`s orders.Landmark secret talks on "national reconciliation" begin in October 2000, brokered by UN envoy Razali Ismail.

Suu Kyi receives regular visits at home from a junta liaison officer and her NLD deputies, and is freed in May 2002. Thousands of her supporters are allowed to greet her, and foreign press are allowed to cover her release.
- Since May 30, 2003:

Suu Kyi, travelling in a convoy with NLD members in northern Myanmar, is attacked in an ambush apparently organised by a regime frightened by her continued popularity.The junta says four people are killed in the attack but the NLD puts the toll at nearly 100. Suu Kyi is arrested along with many party activists.In September, she is moved back to her Yangon home and placed under house arrest for a third time.

In May 2009, shortly before her expected release, Suu Kyi is put on trial over a bizarre incident in which an American man swims uninvited to her lakeside home. She is sentenced to another 18 months of house arrest.Suu Kyi writes to junta chief Than Shwe offering suggestions on getting sanctions lifted, marking an easing of her stance after years of advocating punitive measures against the ruling generals.Her party boycotts the country`s first poll in 20 years, held on November 7, saying the rules are unfair. The NLD is disbanded by the authorities.Supporters gather in Yangon as officials say her release is imminent.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Flight as a old white man ,comes out as a young chinese man

In a story that reads like a spy thriller, a young Chinese fooled customs and security at Hong Kong airport last week to board an Air Canada flight faking as an elderly white man and land in Vancouver to seek asylum.

But his mask was blown off halfway through the journey when he went into a toilet as an elderly, wrinkled man and came out as a young Asian man Oct 29. He was taken into custody on landing in Vancouver and is now under custody even as he has filed for refugee status in Canada. Reports say the man managed to hoodwink airport security and immigration authorities in Hong Kong by wearing a prosthetic mask to make him look like a 55-year-old US citizen, who actually acted as his accomplice.The older American passed on a boarding pass to the young masked man after he had cleared the initial security check-up. Clearing the final gate security check was no difficult as the masked man had the boarding pass from his accomplice white man. For his ID, he used an Air Canada Aeroplan card which doesn`t need photo or date of birth.

According to a report in the Globe and Mail, the man`s disguise consisted of a silicone mask that covered his head, neck and part of his chest. He topped it off with a brown cardigan and apple cap and a pair of spectacles.Before he was exposed, the flight crew was also baffled that this elderly white man had rather young hands."The passenger in question was observed at the beginning of the flight to be an elderly Caucasian male who appeared to have young looking hands,`` the paper quoted the Canadian Border Security Agency (CBSA) as saying in its secret memo on the case.

But after his mid-air bathroom change-over when he came out as a young Asian, the Air Canada crew staff quickly alerted Canadian security agencies at Vancouver airport who took him in custody when he landed there.The man admitted that he disguised as an elderly white man and mimicked his slow movement to fool multi-layered security in Hong Kong.Air Canada spokesman Peter Fitzpatrick said the investigation is "ongoing and the facts are not established.''
